Basic usage of StandardModel

In this tutorial we will use COBREXA's StandardModel and functions that specifically operate on it. As usual we will use the toy model of E. coli for demonstration.

!isfile("e_coli_core.json") &&
    download("", "e_coli_core.json")


Loading a model in the StandardModel format

model = load_model(StandardModel, "e_coli_core.json") # we specifically want to load a StandardModel from the model file
Metabolic model of type StandardModel
sparse([9, 51, 55, 64, 65, 34, 44, 59, 66, 64  …  20, 22, 23, 25, 16, 17, 34, 44, 57, 59], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3  …  93, 93, 94, 94, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95], [1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0  …  1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0], 72, 95)
Number of reactions: 95
Number of metabolites: 72
Note: Loading `StandardModel`s implicitly uses `convert`

When using load_model(StandardModel, file_location) the model at file_location is first loaded into its inferred format and is then converted to a StandardModel using the generic accessor interface. Thus, data loss may occur. Always check your model to ensure that nothing important has been lost.

Internals of StandardModel

A benefit of StandardModel is that it supports a richer internal infrastructure that can be used to manipulate internal model attributes in a systematic way. Specifically, the genes, reactions, and metabolites with of a model each have a type. This is particularly useful when modifying or even constructing a model from scratch.

Genes, Reactions, and Metabolites

StandardModel is composed of ordered dictionaries of Genes, Metabolites and Reactions. Ordered dictionaries are used because the order of the reactions and metabolites are important for constructing a stoichiometric matrix since the rows and columns should correspond to the order of the metabolites and reactions returned by calling the accessors metabolites and reactions.

Each StandardModel is composed of the following fields:

fieldnames(StandardModel) # fields of a StandardModel
(:id, :reactions, :metabolites, :genes)

The :genes field of a StandardModel contains an ordered dictionary of gene ids mapped to Genes.

model.genes # the keys of this dictionary are the same as genes(model)
OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{String, Gene} with 137 entries:
  "b1241" => Gene("b1241", "adhE", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b1241"]), Dict("…
  "b0351" => Gene("b0351", "mhpF", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b0351"]), Dict("…
  "s0001" => Gene("s0001", "", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["s0001"]), Dict("sbo"…
  "b1849" => Gene("b1849", "purT", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b1849"]), Dict("…
  "b3115" => Gene("b3115", "tdcD", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b3115"]), Dict("…
  "b2296" => Gene("b2296", "ackA", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b2296"]), Dict("…
  "b1276" => Gene("b1276", "acnA", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b1276"]), Dict("…
  "b0118" => Gene("b0118", "acnB", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b0118"]), Dict("…
  "b0474" => Gene("b0474", "adk", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b0474"]), Dict("s…
  "b0116" => Gene("b0116", "lpd", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b0116"]), Dict("s…
  "b0727" => Gene("b0727", "sucB", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b0727"]), Dict("…
  "b0726" => Gene("b0726", "sucA", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b0726"]), Dict("…
  "b2587" => Gene("b2587", "kgtP", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b2587"]), Dict("…
  "b0356" => Gene("b0356", "frmA", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b0356"]), Dict("…
  "b1478" => Gene("b1478", "adhP", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b1478"]), Dict("…
  "b3734" => Gene("b3734", "atpA", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b3734"]), Dict("…
  "b3733" => Gene("b3733", "atpG", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b3733"]), Dict("…
  "b3736" => Gene("b3736", "atpF", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b3736"]), Dict("…
  "b3737" => Gene("b3737", "atpE", Dict("original_bigg_ids"=>["b3737"]), Dict("…
  ⋮       => ⋮

The Gene type is a struct that can be used to store information about genes in a StandardModel. Each Gene is composed of the following fields:

(:id, :name, :notes, :annotations)
Tip: Use <tab> complete to explore the structure of types

Use <tab> to quickly explore the fields of a struct. For example, Gene.<tab> will list all the fields shown above.

The keys used in the ordered dictionaries in model.genes are the ids returned using the generic accessor genes. Genes have pretty printing, as demonstrated below for a random gene drawn from the model:

random_gene_id = genes(model)[rand(1:n_genes(model))]
model.genes[random_gene_id] b2278 nuoL
	original_bigg_ids: ["b2278"]
	sbo: ["SBO:0000243"]
	uniprot: ["P33607"]
	ecogene: ["EG12092"]
	ncbigene: ["945540"]
	ncbigi: ["16130213"]
	refseq_locus_tag: ["b2278"]
	refseq_name: ["nuoL"]
	asap: ["ABE-0007532"]
	refseq_synonym: ["ECK2272", "JW2273"]

The same idea holds for both metabolites (stored as Metabolites) and reactions (stored as Reactions). This is demonstrated below.

random_metabolite_id = metabolites(model)[rand(1:n_metabolites(model))]
model.metabolites[random_metabolite_id] nadh_c Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - reduced
Metabolite.formula: C21N7P2H27O14
Metabolite.charge: -2
Metabolite.compartment: c
	original_bigg_ids: ["nadh_c"]
	sabiork: ["38"]
	kegg.compound: ["C00004"]
	sbo: ["SBO:0000247"]
	biocyc: ["META:NADH"]
	chebi: CHEBI:13395, ..., CHEBI:13396
	metanetx.chemical: ["MNXM10"]
	hmdb: ["HMDB01487"]
	bigg.metabolite: ["nadh"]
	seed.compound: ["cpd00004"]
	reactome.compound: 192305, ..., 194697
random_reaction_id = reactions(model)[rand(1:n_reactions(model))]
model.reactions[random_reaction_id] CYTBD Cytochrome oxidase bd (ubiquinol-8: 2 protons)
Reaction.metabolites: 0.5 o2_c + 1.0 q8h2_c + 2.0 h_c →  1.0 h2o_c + 2.0 h_e + 1.0 q8_c 0.0
Reaction.ub: 1000.0
Reaction.grr: (b0733 && b0734) || (b0978 && b0979)
Reaction.subsystem: Oxidative Phosphorylation
	original_bigg_ids: ["CYTBD"]
	metanetx.reaction: ["MNXR97031"]
	sbo: ["SBO:0000185"]
	seed.reaction: rxn12494, ..., rxn08288
	bigg.reaction: ["CYTBD"]
Reaction.objective_coefficient: 0.0

StandardModel can be used to build your own metabolic model or modify an existing one. One of the main use cases for StandardModel is that it can be used to merge multiple models or parts of multiple models together. Since the internals are uniform inside each StandardModel, attributes of other model types are squashed into the required format (using the generic accessors). This ensures that the internals of all StandardModels are the same - allowing easy systematic evaluation.

Warning: Combining models with different namespaces is tricky

Combining models that use different namespaces requires care. For example, in some models the water exchange reaction is called EX_h2o_e, while in others it is called R_EX_h2o_s. This needs to manually addressed to prevent duplicates, e.g. reactions, from being added.

Checking the internals of StandardModels: annotation_index

Often when models are automatically reconstructed duplicate genes, reactions or metabolites end up in a model. COBREXA exports annotation_index to check for cases where the id of a struct may be different, but the annotations the same (possibly suggesting a duplication). annotation_index builds a dictionary mapping annotation features to the ids of whatever struct you are inspecting. This makes it easy to find structs that share certain annotation features.

rxn_annotations = annotation_index(model.reactions)
Dict{String, Dict{String, Set{String}}} with 10 entries:
  "ec-code"           => Dict(""=>Set(["ATPM"]), ""=>Set(["ATPM…
  "sabiork"           => Dict("109"=>Set(["PGL"]), "762"=>Set(["GLUN"]), "155"=…
  "metanetx.reaction" => Dict("MNXR104869"=>Set(["TKT2"]), "MNXR99715"=>Set(["E…
  "rhea"              => Dict("27626"=>Set(["TKT2"]), "10229"=>Set(["ACONTa"]),…
  "sbo"               => Dict("SBO:0000627"=>Set(["EX_for_e", "EX_nh4_e", "EX_p…
  "seed.reaction"     => Dict("rxn05297"=>Set(["GLUt2r"]), "rxn09717"=>Set(["PY…
  "kegg.reaction"     => Dict("R00114"=>Set(["GLUSy"]), "R00199"=>Set(["PPS"]),…
  "biocyc"            => Dict("META:TRANS-RXN-121B"=>Set(["FUMt2_2"]), "META:PE…
  "reactome.reaction" => Dict("R-TGU-71397"=>Set(["PDH"]), "R-XTR-70449"=>Set([…
  "bigg.reaction"     => Dict("ACALD"=>Set(["ACALD"]), "PTAr"=>Set(["PTAr"]), "…
Dict{String, Set{String}} with 141 entries:
  "" => Set(["ATPM"])
  "" => Set(["ATPM"])
  "" => Set(["ATPM"])
  "" => Set(["ATPM"])
  ""  => Set(["CS"])
  ""  => Set(["NADTRHD"])
  "" => Set(["ATPM"])
  ""  => Set(["SUCOAS"])
  ""  => Set(["GLUN"])
  "" => Set(["ATPM"])
  "" => Set(["ATPM"])
  "" => Set(["GAPD"])
  "" => Set(["ATPM"])
  ""  => Set(["CS"])
  ""  => Set(["ADK1"])
  ""  => Set(["GLUN"])
  ""  => Set(["GLUN"])
  "" => Set(["G6PDH2r"])
  ""  => Set(["PGI"])
  ⋮          => ⋮

The annotation_index function can also be used on Reactions and Genes in the same way.

Checking the internals of StandardModels: check_duplicate_reaction

Another useful function is check_duplicate_reaction, which checks for reactions that have duplicate (or similar) reaction equations.

pgm_duplicate = Reaction() = "pgm2" # Phosphoglycerate mutase
pgm_duplicate.metabolites = Dict{String,Float64}("3pg_c" => 1, "2pg_c" => -1)
pgm_duplicate pgm2 ---
Reaction.metabolites: 1.0 2pg_c ↔  1.0 3pg_c -1000.0
Reaction.ub: 1000.0
Reaction.grr: ---
Reaction.subsystem: ---
Reaction.notes: ---
Reaction.annotations: ---
Reaction.objective_coefficient: 0.0
check_duplicate_reaction(pgm_duplicate, model.reactions; only_metabolites = false) # can also just check if only the metabolites are the same but different stoichiometry is used

Checking the internals of StandardModels: reaction_mass_balanced

Finally, reaction_mass_balanced can be used to check if a reaction is mass balanced based on the formulas of the reaction equation.

rxn_dict = Dict{String,Float64}("3pg_c" => 1, "2pg_c" => -1, "h2o_c" => 1)
reaction_mass_balanced(model, rxn_dict)

Now to determine which atoms are unbalanced, you can use reaction_atom_balance

reaction_atom_balance(model, rxn_dict)
Dict{String, Float64} with 4 entries:
  "C" => 0.0
  "P" => 0.0
  "H" => 2.0
  "O" => 1.0

Note, since pgm_duplicate is not in the model, we cannot use the other variants of this function because they find the reaction equation stored inside the model.

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