Tutorial 1: Intro & basic usage

For the installation of Julia or GigaSOM.jl please refer to the installation instructions.

High-level overview

GigaSOM provides functions that allow straightforward loading of FCS files into matrices, preparing these matrices for analysis, and running SOM and related function on the data.

The main functions, listed by category:

Multiprocessing is done using the Distributed package – if you add more "workers" using the addprocs function, GigaSOM will automatically react to that situation, split the data among the processes and run parallel versions of all algorithms.

Horizontal scaling

While all functions work well on simple data matrices, the main aim of GigaSOM is to let the users enjoy the cluster-computing resources. All functions also work on data that are "scattered" among workers (i.e. each worker only holds a portion of the data loaded in the memory). This dataset description is stored in Dinfo structure. Most of the functions above in fact accept the Dinfo as argument, and often return another Dinfo that describes the scattered result.

Most importantly, using Dinfo prevents memory exhaustion at the master node, which is a critical feature required to handle huge datasets.

You can always collect the scattered data back into a matrix (if it fits to your RAM) with gather_array, and utilize many other functions to manipulate it, including e.g. dmapreduce for easily running parallel computations, or dstore for saving and restoring the dataset paralelly.

Minimal working example

First, load GigaSOM:

using GigaSOM

We will create a bit of randomly generated data for this purpose. This code generates a 4D hypercube of size 10 with gaussian clusters at vertices:

d = randn(10000,4) .+ rand(0:1, 10000, 4).*10

The SOM (of size 20x20) is created and trained as such:

som = initGigaSOM(d, 20, 20)
som = trainGigaSOM(som, d)

(Note that SOM initialization is randomized; if you want to get the same results everytime, use e.g. Random.seed!(1).)

You can now see the SOM codebook (your numbers will vary):

400×4 Array{Float64,2}:
 -0.361681    -0.57191     0.140438   9.99224
 -1.111        1.60277    -0.209706   9.96805
 -1.23305      7.58148    -0.445886   9.76316
 -0.285692     9.80184    -1.12107    9.85507
 -0.197007    10.8793     -0.649294   9.89448
 -0.334737    11.0858      0.213889   9.93479
  0.00282155  11.0725      0.718114  10.2714
 -0.333398    10.1315      1.14412   10.564
 -0.0124202    1.48128     8.35741   10.72
 -0.0084074    0.0150858   9.91007   11.5361

This information can be used to categorize the dataset into clusters:

mapToGigaSOM(som, d)

In the result, index is a cluster ID for the original datapoint from d at the same row.

10000×1 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row   │ index │
│       │ Int64 │
│ 1     │ 381   │
│ 2     │ 178   │
│ 3     │ 348   │
│ 4     │ 379   │
│ 5     │ 80    │
│ 6     │ 146   │
│ 7     │ 57    │

(As in the previous case, your numbers may differ.)

Finally, you can use EmbedSOM dimensionality reduction to convert all multidimensional points to 2D; which can eventually be used to create a good-looking 2D scatterplot.

e = embedGigaSOM(som,d)
10000×2 Array{Float64,2}:
  1.41575  18.5282
 17.4483    7.4137
  6.88243  17.5722
 17.654    18.0348
 17.594     3.15645
  5.27181   8.61096
 15.9708    2.8124
  6.19637   9.05302
  1.49358   7.19198
 16.596     7.75608

The 2D coordinates may be plotted by any standard plotting library. In the following example we show how to do that with Gadfly:

using Gadfly
import Cairo
draw(PNG("test.png",20cm,20cm), plot(x=e[:,1], y=e[:,2], color=d[:,1]))

In the resulting picture, you should be able to see all 16 gaussian clusters colored by the first dimension in the original space.