Example: Faster parsing with lexers
One disadvantage of pika-style parsers is the large amount of redundant intermediate matches that are produced in the right-to-left parsing process. These generally pollute the match table and cause inefficiency.
PikaParser supports greedily pre-lexing the parser input using the terminals in the grammar, which allows you to produce much more precise terminal matches, thus also more compact match table, and, in result, much faster and more robust parser.
In this example, we simply rewrite the Scheme grammar from the Scheme tutorial to use PikaParser.scan
(which allows you to match many interesting kinds of tokens quickly) and then PikaParser.parse_lex
(which runs the greedy lexing and uses the result for more efficient parsing).
As the main change, we removed the "simple" matches of :digit
and :letter
from the grammar, and replaced them with manual matchers of whole tokens.
Writing scanners
First, let's make a very useful helper function that lets us convert any Char
-matching function into a scanner. This neatens the grammar code later.
When constructing the scanner functions, remember that it is important to use the overloaded indexing functions (nextind
, prevind
, firstindex
, lastindex
) instead of manually computing the integer indexes. Consider what happens with Unicode strings if you try to get an index like "kůň"[3]
! Compute indexes manually only if you are perfectly certain that the input indexing is flat.
takewhile1(f) = (input) -> begin
isempty(input) && return 0
for i in eachindex(input)
if !f(input[i])
return prevind(input, i)
return lastindex(input)
The situation for matching :ident
is a little more complicated – we need a different match on the first letter and there are extra characters to think about. So we just make a specialized function for that:
function take_ident(input)
isempty(input) && return 0
i = firstindex(input)
isletter(input[i]) || return 0
i = nextind(input, i)
while i <= lastindex(input)
c = input[i]
if !(isletter(c) || isdigit(c) || c == '-')
return prevind(input, i)
i = nextind(input, i)
return lastindex(input)
Using scanners in a grammar
The grammar becomes slightly simpler than in the original version:
import PikaParser as P
rules = Dict(
:ws => P.first(:spaces => P.scan(takewhile1(isspace)), P.epsilon),
:popen => P.seq(P.token('('), :ws),
:pclose => P.seq(P.token(')'), :ws),
:sexpr => P.seq(:popen, :insexpr => P.many(:scheme), :pclose),
:scheme => P.seq(
:basic => P.first(
:number => P.seq(P.scan(takewhile1(isdigit)), P.not_followed_by(:ident)),
:ident => P.scan(take_ident),
:top => P.seq(:ws, :sexpr), #support leading blanks
Using the scanners for lexing the input
Let's try the lexing on the same input as in the Scheme example:
input = """
(plus 1 2 3)
(minus 1 2(plus 3 2) ) woohoo extra parenthesis here )
id3nt1f13r5 αβγδ भरत kůň)
(invalid 1d3n7)
(straight (out (missing(parenthesis error))
(apply (make-function) (make-data))
grammar = P.make_grammar([:top], P.flatten(rules, Char));
P.lex(grammar, input)
242-element Vector{Vector{Tuple{Symbol, Int64}}}:
[(Symbol("popen-1"), 1)]
[(:ident, 5)]
[(:spaces, 6)]
[(Symbol("number-1"), 7)]
[(:spaces, 8)]
[(Symbol("number-1"), 9)]
[(:spaces, 10)]
[(Symbol("pclose-1"), 240)]
[(Symbol("pclose-1"), 241)]
[(:spaces, 242)]
The result is a vector of possible terminals that can be matched at given input positions. As a minor victory, you may see that no terminals are matched inside the initial plus
Now, the lexed input could be used via the argument fast_match
of PikaParser.parse
, but usually it is much simpler to have the combined function PikaParser.parse_lex
do everything:
p = P.parse_lex(grammar, input);
The rest is now essentially same as with the previous Scheme example:
fold_scheme(m, p, s) =
m.rule == :number ? parse(Int, m.view) :
m.rule == :ident ? Symbol(m.view) :
m.rule == :insexpr ? Expr(:call, :S, s...) :
m.rule == :sexpr ? s[2] : m.rule == :top ? s[2] : length(s) > 0 ? s[1] : nothing;
next_pos = 1
while next_pos <= lastindex(p.input)
global next_pos
pos = next_pos
mid = 0
while pos <= lastindex(p.input) # try to find a match
mid = P.find_match_at!(p, :top, pos)
mid != 0 && break
pos = nextind(p.input, pos)
pos > next_pos && # if we skipped something, report it
println("Problems with: $(p.input[next_pos:prevind(p.input, pos)])")
if mid == 0
break # if we skipped all the way to the end, quit
else # we have an actual match, print it.
value = P.traverse_match(p, mid, fold = fold_scheme)
println("Parsed OK: $value")
m = p.matches[mid] # skip the whole match and continue
next_pos = nextind(p.input, m.last)
Parsed OK: S(plus, 1, 2, 3)
Parsed OK: S(minus, 1, 2, S(plus, 3, 2))
Problems with: woohoo extra parenthesis here )
Parsed OK: S(complex, id3nt1f13r5, αβγδ, भरत, kůň)
Problems with: (invalid 1d3n7)
Parsed OK: S(something, 1, 2, valid)
Problems with: (straight (out
Parsed OK: S(missing, S(parenthesis, error))
Parsed OK: S(apply, S(var"make-function"), S(var"make-data"))
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