Hit and run sampling

Sampling the feasible space of the model allows you to gain a realistic insight into the distribution of the flow and its probabilistic nature, often better describing the variance and correlations of the possible fluxes better (but more approximately) than e.g. flux variability analysis.

COBREXA supports a variant of hit-and-run sampling adjusted to the complexities of metabolic models; in particular, it implements a version where the next sample (and indirectly, the next run direction) is generated as an affine combination of the samples in the current sample set. This gives a result similar to the artificially centered hit-and-run sampling, with a slightly (unsubstantially) different biases in the generation of the next hits.

As always, we start by loading everything that is needed:

!isfile("e_coli_core.xml") &&
    download("http://bigg.ucsd.edu/static/models/e_coli_core.xml", "e_coli_core.xml")


model = load_model("e_coli_core.xml")
Metabolic model of type SBMLModel
sparse([8, 10, 21, 43, 50, 51, 8, 9, 6, 12  …  33, 66, 68, 72, 23, 26, 33, 72, 22, 33], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3  …  93, 93, 93, 93, 94, 94, 94, 94, 95, 95], [-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0  …  1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0], 72, 95)
Number of reactions: 95
Number of metabolites: 72

The sampling procedure requires a set of "seed" points that will form the basis for the first iteration of runs. This is commonly called a warm-up. You can generate these points manually with any method of choice, or you can use the COBREXA implementation of warmup that uses the extreme edges of the polytope, similarly to the way used by flux variability analysis:

warmup_points = warmup_from_variability(model, GLPK.Optimizer)
95×190 Matrix{Float64}:
 -20.0          -20.0          …     0.0             0.0
 -20.0          -20.0                0.0             0.0
   0.0            0.0                0.0             0.0
  -1.55771e-14   -1.55771e-14        0.0            10.0
  -1.82795e-14   -1.82795e-14        0.0            10.0
   0.0            0.0          …     0.0             0.0
   5.07605e-15    5.07605e-15       10.0            -1.20387e-12
   5.83169e-15    5.83169e-15        0.0             0.0
   0.0            0.0                0.0           -10.0
   2.63641e-15    2.63641e-15        0.0             0.0
   ⋮                           ⋱                  
   0.0            0.0               -4.57823e-13    -3.44052e-13
   3.16102e-15    3.16102e-15       -4.57823e-13    -3.44052e-13
  -1.04907e-14   -1.04907e-14     1000.0          1000.0
  -4.77335e-15   -4.77335e-15        0.0             0.0
  -3.16854e-15   -3.16854e-15  …    20.0            -1.95399e-13
  -9.32587e-14   -9.32587e-14      243.22           98.22
   0.0            0.0               20.0            -1.95399e-13
   1.48086e-15    1.48086e-15       20.0            -1.95399e-13
  10.0           10.0              -10.0            10.0

This generates a matrix of fluxes, where each column is one sample point, and rows correspond to the reactions in the model.

With this, starting the sampling procedure is straightforward:

samples = affine_hit_and_run(model, warmup_points)
95×950 Matrix{Float64}:
  -1.66909    -2.18493    -2.26181   …   -2.03885    -1.8475     -2.46558
  -0.470124   -0.430387   -0.617061      -0.553997   -0.6049     -0.802518
  -1.57443    -2.32797    -1.03189       -1.45541    -1.8394     -1.57826
   8.72508     7.92127     7.66237        9.05437     8.46192     6.27915
   8.72508     7.92127     7.66237        9.05437     8.46192     6.27915
  -1.57443    -2.32797    -1.03189   …   -1.45541    -1.8394     -1.57826
  12.7365      6.94142    16.8438        10.248       9.4414      3.07769
   4.55669     4.5086      3.61501        4.47861     4.48705     3.54988
  -0.706878   -0.454369   -0.942265      -1.08006    -0.924169   -0.724058
  -1.19896    -1.75454    -1.64475       -1.48485    -1.2426     -1.66306
   ⋮                                 ⋱                          
  11.1703     14.2109      5.96447       13.0883     10.0192      6.78829
  12.0925     14.8723      7.45343       13.5965     10.7236      7.40941
 360.742     254.428     346.45         332.564     308.67      405.867
  -4.55669    -4.5086     -3.61501       -4.47861    -4.48705    -3.54988
   1.67396     1.47322     2.39118   …    1.55207     1.6677      2.92716
   8.72465    15.1174     13.7178         9.13832    11.2013      6.78598
   1.67396     1.47322     2.39118        1.55207     1.6677      2.92716
   1.65308     1.44574     2.36979        1.5258      1.65268     2.90355
   7.78632     7.96199     7.0524         8.04223     8.00896     6.28687

As seen above, the result again contains 1 sample per column, with reactions in the same order with rows as before. To get a different sample, you can tune the parameters the function. sample_iters allows you to specify the iterations at which you want the current sample to be collected and reported – by default, that is done 5 times on each 100th iteration. In the example below, we catch the samples in 10 iterations right after the 200th iteration passed. Similarly, to avoid possible degeneracy, you can choose to run more hit-and-run batch chains than 1, using the chains parameters. The total number of points collected is the number of points in warmup times the number of sample-collecting iterations times the number of chains.

samples = affine_hit_and_run(model, warmup_points, sample_iters = 201:210, chains = 2)
95×3800 Matrix{Float64}:
  -1.83943    -2.35747    -1.27553    …   -2.30409    -1.79585    -2.11809
  -0.884734   -1.18704    -0.0266316      -0.92447    -0.899217   -0.633379
  -0.900053   -0.914011   -0.816364       -1.36337    -1.23206    -1.42901
   9.67229     8.86613    12.029           7.39692     7.87746     7.01543
   9.67229     8.86613    12.029           7.39692     7.87746     7.01543
  -0.900053   -0.914011   -0.816364   …   -1.36337    -1.23206    -1.42901
  10.7787      8.69312     6.35625        11.2565     14.7761      7.13841
   6.15562     5.92554     6.82139         4.51902     5.26378     3.73543
  -0.552501   -0.749031   -0.296984       -0.889356   -0.817638   -0.95307
  -0.954697   -1.17043    -1.2489         -1.37962    -0.896631   -1.48471
   ⋮                                  ⋱                          
  13.5435     13.547      13.4649          9.40663    10.1687     11.3463
  14.1685     14.217      14.149          10.7795     11.4346     12.8174
 441.007     412.603     346.423         349.752     371.053     376.361
  -6.15562    -5.92554    -6.82139        -4.51902    -5.26378    -3.73543
   2.02034     2.22495     0.166716   …    2.62083     2.80645     2.36805
  17.4667     16.8022      4.95115        13.9146     14.5093      9.66194
   2.02034     2.22495     0.166716        2.62083     2.80645     2.36805
   1.99605     2.20138     0.148363        2.60289     2.79257     2.34518
   7.36334     6.97874     8.76302         6.81786     6.48962     6.93277

Both procedures used for sampling in this example (warmup_from_variability, affine_hit_and_run) can be effectively parallelized by adding workers= parameter, as summarized in the documentation. Due to the nature of the algorithm, parallelization of the sampling requires at least 1 chain per worker.

Visualizing the samples

Samples can be displayed very efficiently in a scatterplot or a density plot, which naturally show correlations and distributions of the fluxes:

using CairoMakie

o2, co2 = indexin(["R_EX_o2_e", "R_EX_co2_e"], reactions(model))

    samples[o2, :],
    samples[co2, :];
    axis = (; xlabel = "Oxygen exchange", ylabel = "Carbon dioxide exchange"),

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